Posts Tagged ‘Discerning Your Call to the Ministry’
Are You Ready to Defend the Faith?
A call to the ministry is a call to the ministry of the Word. As such, we are called not only to proclaim it but also to defend it. The New Testament Epistles overflow with injunctions to guard the truth. Reflect on Paul’s words to Timothy—a mere sampling of the New Testament charges to defend the faith—and let their import for you and your call to ministry sink in. Read more
Are You Engaged in Fruitful Ministry?
Ministry is not something we undertake after earning a seminary degree or other earthly credential. It is not so much a vocational jump as it is a vocational migration. This is my story. Before I shared with others my sense that God was calling me to ministry, before I took a vocational ministry position or underwent the ordination process, I began serving my church in ministry-like roles. I taught Bible studies, preached in prisons and halfway houses, and led evangelistic outreach events. Read more
Are You Passionate About the Gospel and the Great Commission?
There is no work quite like PhD work. Those who’ve completed the degree know exactly what I’m talking about. You must set aside five or so years of your life to research and write, ending your labors with a dissertation that makes a unique contribution to your field of study. The PhD is known as a “terminal degree” because it is the highest anyone can earn, but all who’ve completed one know it can feel terminal in other ways. Read more
Do You Love the People of God?
Have you ever known a married couple who confessed they didn’t love each other? I have, and trust me, there is nothing more painful. As a husband, I can’t imagine waking up every morning beside a woman I didn’t love. I pity such a person. On a couple of occasions, I’ve had such couples meet with me. Their stories tend to be similar. Life is rote. Their relationship is boring. They are married, but they feel more like individuals sharing a home and splitting the bills. For these people, romance left town long ago. They feel trapped because they understand divorce isn’t an option. Read more
Does Your Church Affirm Your Calling?
A few years ago, while living in Louisville, I was invited to join one of Kentucky’s most exclusive clubs. Located downtown, the Pendennis Club is one of the state’s most historic and prestigious societies. Its membership included Senator Mitch McConnell and other leading Louisvillians. Read more