Posts Tagged ‘Southern Baptist Convention’
Guest Post: “Preach the Word! Biblical Preaching and Congregational Renewal” by Tony Merida
Bart Ehrman serves as a religious studies professor at UNC Chapel Hill. Although he teaches the New Testament, he does not believe it is actually God’s Word. In fact, as a professing agnostic, Ehrman is known for debating evangelicals about the inspiration of Scripture. Every semester he begins one of his courses with a class exercise.[1] He begins, “How many of you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God?” According to Professor Ehrman, the majority of students at UNC raise their hands. Read more
Guest Posts: “A Denomination Always for the Church” by Jason G. Duesing
I am glad that you are here with me,’ said Frodo. ‘Here at the end of all things, Sam.’”[1] I never expected to get an ecclesiology and eschatology lesson from the concluding chapters of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, but I did. The hero and his faithful companion, comprising the remnant of a fellowship that set out on a journey to destroy evil and see the return of their king, lay exhausted and helpless, surrounded by an erupting mountain of volcanic proportions with no cause for hope of rescue. Read more
Guest Post: “Who Are Southern Baptists? Toward an Intergenerational Identity” by David S. Dockery
From 2005 until now, Southern Baptists have wrestled with changes brought about by a new generation. This generation could be characterized as moving toward recovery or the reenvisioning of the denomination. Certainly there have been ongoing controversies over the last decade: Landmarkism, the doctrine of Scripture, the meaning of the gospel, rural versus urban, styles of worship and ministry an educated ministry versus the role of the bivocational pastor. Read more
Guest Post: “Every Kindred, Tongue, and Tribe? Ethnic Diversity in the SBC” by Daniel Akin and Walter Strickland II
From its inception the Southern Baptist Convention has been a missionary people that began to cooperate in an effort to reach the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Like many other strengths, our passionate pursuit of the Great Commission is accompanied by unintended consequences that could hinder genuine gospel partnerships from developing. Read more
For The Church: St. Louis | The Southern Baptist Convention in the 21st Century
This past week, Southern Baptist from across America met in St. Louis for our annual convention. In what turned out to be a historic convention, Midwestern Seminary was proud to hold a For the Church panel discussion on “the SBC in the 21st Century” featuring H.B. Charles, Mark Dever, Kevin Ezell, Ronnie Floyd, Paige Patterson, and Read more