Posts Tagged ‘Evangelism’
Do the Work of an Evangelist
In his parting words to Timothy, the Apostle Paul set forth a series of exhortations so that his understudy might fulfill his ministry. As Paul wrote, he faced death, and Timothy faced discouragement. These final words in II Timothy not only strengthened the letter’s namesake but also have instructed and fortified gospel servants throughout the centuries. Second Timothy drips with application for every minister. Read more
Simply Profound yet Profoundly Simple: The Paradox of the Gospel and the Mandate for a Robust Witness
A paradox, G.K. Chesterton quipped, is “a truth standing on its head, waving its legs to get our attention.” In the Bible, such paradoxes abound. Paradoxically, Jesus is both God and man; and, paradoxically, the Bible was given by both human inscription and divine inspiration. One such paradox, or seemingly contradictory truth, is rooted in the gospel itself – the gospel message is simple, yet profound. Read more
MBTS Spring 2017 Convocation Sermon: “Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men” (Mark 1:14-20)
I invite you to be turning in your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Mark, chapter one. We will be looking at verses 16 through 20, in particular, and we will be thinking about these verses in light of Jesus’ great charge, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1: 14-20 says, Read more
Do the Work of an Evangelist
In his parting words to Timothy, the Apostle Paul set forth a series of exhortations so that his understudy might fulfill his ministry. As Paul wrote, he faced death, and Timothy faced discouragement. These final words in II Timothy not only strengthened the letter’s namesake, but also have instructed and fortified gospel servants throughout the centuries. Second Timothy drips with application for every minister. Read more
Do the Work of an Evangelist
Gospel ministers, myself included, tend to identify most readily with Paul’s exhortation to “preach the Word.” The Scriptural emphasis on preaching, and the romance of God’s call to preach, prompts most pastors to conceptualize themselves fundamentally as a preacher, and their most urgent responsibility, to preach.
While not minimizing the Apostle’s exhortation to preach the Word, a different one of Paul’s charges has held my attention most recently—“do the work of an evangelist.” Doing the work of an evangelist is a charge every pastor must hold fast, and every church must expect of its ministers. This is especially true in my own denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention. Read more